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YUI Datatable note: the initialRequest string is appended to the datasource url

YUI2's Datatable is a great widget I use in MyOwnDB and here's a small tip for when you use it to load a remote data source .

In that case, the datatable is getting the data to display from a YUI2 DataSource that has been configured with the URL to use when fetching the data requested by the datatable.

When instanciating the datatable, you can pass it a configuration object, with amongst other option, the initialRequest that should be sent by the associated datasource when the datatable is displayed for the first time. initialRequest is a string that is simply appended to the URL passed to the DataSource.

So if your datasource URL is "http://www.myurl.com?all=true", and your initialRequest is "sort=name", the request sent by the DataSource will be for the URL "http://www.myurl.com?all=truesort=name", which is clearly not good.

The solution here is to either be sure that the datasource URL ends with a ? or a &, or to always start the initialRequest with &.

The second option is the easiest in my case.


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